SAD Service API

SAD service offers REST interface to interact with the service, plugins, jobs, executions and their data. Detailed list of SAD Service API calls and responses can be found below.


Get configuration


URL: <basepath>/service/q/getconfiguration
Type: GET

RESPONSE (service configuration as JSON):

         "Client_Name":"Social Analytics Dashboard"

Get last plugin run


URL: <basepath>/service/q/getlastrun
Type: GET

RESPONSE (plugin run details as JSON):

      "name":"Job for plugin twitter-searcher",
      "description":"Job created by Scheduling service",
      "created":"2013-07-25 13:14:16.142",
      "lastrun":"2013-07-25 13:14:20.136"

Get last plugin run data


URL: <basepath>/service/q/getlastrundata
Type: GET

RESPONSE (data as JSON):

  "result": "ok",
  "response": {
    "jsonData": [
          "retweeted": false,
      "collected": "2013-07-25 13:14:19.704"

Get last plugin run logs


URL: <basepath>/service/q/getlastrunlogs
Type: GET

RESPONSE (logs as JSON):

  "result": "ok",
  "response": {
    "stdOut": "2013-07-25 13:14:17,347 DEBUG \t[PluginsHelper:80] Using command line arguments:
    "stdError": ""

Run a plugin


URL: <basepath>/service/q/run
Type: POST
ContentType: application/json; charset=utf-8
Data: <plugin start configuration, use control panel to help create>

RESPONSE (new job details as JSON):

  "result": "ok",
  "response": {
    "ID": 1,
    "PluginName": "twitter-searcher",
    "Name": "Job for plugin twitter-searcher",
    "Description": "Job created by Scheduling service",
    "Arguments": [
        "search_terms": "football"
        "num_posts": "99"
    "Inputs": [],
    "Outputs": [
        "type": "twitter-static-search-raw"
    "Schedule": {
      "times": 1,
      "withIntervalInMilliseconds": 20000
    "Status": "scheduled",
    "WhenCreated_as_string": "2013-07-25 13:14:16",
    "WhenCreated_in_msec": 1374754456142,
    "WhenLastrun_as_string": "",
    "WhenLastrun_in_msec": "",
    "Executions_num": 0,
    "status_url": "http://localhost:8081/SAD/service/jobs/1",
    "data_url": "http://localhost:8081/SAD/service/jobs/1/data",
    "visualised_data_url": "http://localhost:8081/SAD/visualise/twitter-searcher/data.html?jobid=1&num_results=20"


List plugins


URL: <basepath>/service/plugins
Type: GET

RESPONSE (all plugins with configurations as JSON):

         "description":"Basic Social Network posts analytics plugin. Extracts basics stats from collections of tweets or Facebook posts",
               "description":"Number of social network posts per social network to analyse",
                     "twitter-static-search-raw":"JSON Twitter posts as returned by Twitter API"
                     "facebook-posts-raw":"JSON Facebook posts as returned by Facebook API"
                     "twitter-static-search-raw":"JSON Twitter posts as returned by Twitter API"
                     "facebook-posts-raw":"JSON Facebook posts as returned by Facebook API"
                  "description":"JSON containing basic stats extracted from processed tweets"
                  "description":"JSON containing tweets used in the analysis"
                  "description":"JSON containing basic stats extracted from processed Facebook posts"
                  "description":"JSON containing Facebook posts used in the analysis"
         "description":"Facebook collector EXPERIMEDIA SAD Plugin. Collects Facebook posts from groups and pages",
               "description":"Facebook page name to collect posts from, multiple instances of this argument are supported",
               "description":"Number of posts to request from each page",

                  "description":"JSON containing a Facebook post"
         "description":"Twitter searcher EXPERIMEDIA SAD Plugin. Performs static Twitter searches for a keyword or a hashtag",
               "description":"Keyword or hashtag to search Twitter for",
               "sample_values":"Schladming OR Planai OR Dachstein OR Rohrmoos OR MidEurope"
               "description":"Number of tweets to find",

                  "description":"JSON containing all processed tweets"

Get plugin configuration


URL: <basepath>/service/plugins/<plugin name>
Type: GET

RESPONSE (<plugin name> configuration as JSON):

     "description":"Basic Social Network posts analytics plugin. Extracts basics stats from collections of tweets or Facebook posts",
           "description":"Number of social network posts per social network to analyse",
                 "twitter-static-search-raw":"JSON Twitter posts as returned by Twitter API"
                 "facebook-posts-raw":"JSON Facebook posts as returned by Facebook API"
                 "twitter-static-search-raw":"JSON Twitter posts as returned by Twitter API"
                 "facebook-posts-raw":"JSON Facebook posts as returned by Facebook API"
              "description":"JSON containing basic stats extracted from processed tweets"
              "description":"JSON containing tweets used in the analysis"
              "description":"JSON containing basic stats extracted from processed Facebook posts"
              "description":"JSON containing Facebook posts used in the analysis"


List jobs


URL: <basepath>/service/jobs
Type: GET

RESPONSE (all jobs as JSON):

            "Name":"Job for plugin twitter-searcher",
            "Description":"Job created by Scheduling service",

            "WhenCreated_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:16",
            "WhenLastrun_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:20",

Get job details


URL: <basepath>/service/jobs/<job id>
Type: GET

RESPONSE (details of job with <job id> as JSON):

         "Name":"Job for plugin twitter-searcher",
         "Description":"Job created by Scheduling service",

         "WhenCreated_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:16",
         "WhenLastrun_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:20",

Get job data


URL: <basepath>/service/jobs/<job id>/data
Type: GET

RESPONSE (data saved by job with <job id> in the database as JSON):

  "response": {
    "series": {
      "0": {
        "jsonData": {
        "retweeted": false,
      "type": "twitter-static-search-raw",
      "WhenCreated_as_string": "2013-07-25 13:14:19",
      "WhenCreated_in_msec": 1374754459704
    "num": 99,
    "jobstatus": "finished"


List all executions


URL: <basepath>/service/executions
Type: GET

RESPONSE (all executions as JSON):

            "Description":"Execution by job [1]",
            "WhenStarted_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:17.759",
            "WhenFinished_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:20.125",

Get last 5 data entries for the last execution for plugin and of data type

URL: <basepath>/service/executions/{pluginName}/{dataType}
Type: GET

RESPONSE (hot tweets as an example, JSON):

         "text":"168 days until football is back...\uD83C\uDFC8\uD83D\uDE4C",
         "created_at":"Wed Mar 12 01:47:26 +0000 2014",
         "name":"I Live For Football",
         "text":"Retweet if you play any\nBasketball\uD83C\uDFC0\nFootball\uD83C\uDFC8\nVolleyball\uD83D\uDE4C\nBaseball⚾\nHockey❄\nSoccer⚽\nWrestling\nSoftball\nCheer\uD83C\uDF89\nTrack\nLacrosse\nGolf",
         "created_at":"Wed Mar 12 04:19:05 +0000 2014",
         "name":"Doubted Athlete",
         "text":"i feel like family, close friends, football, hockey, &amp; baseball teams should go in first, then the seniors. &amp; leftover spots to anyone else.",
         "created_at":"Wed Mar 12 03:15:05 +0000 2014",
         "name":"danyell oosterveld ☯",
         "text":"Play your Man like a football and Watch another Girl catch him like a goal will regret watching the replay..",
         "created_at":"Tue Sep 24 06:52:46 +0000 2013",
         "name":"COMEDIAN IGODYE",
         "text":"And the winner is.. @JonWalmach for the Cruz Bday contest. Some real classics!! Pick up your shirt in the football office. #pvbearsfootball",
         "created_at":"Wed Mar 12 09:56:21 +0000 2014",
         "name":"PV Football",