``````````````` SAD Service API ``````````````` SAD service offers REST interface to interact with the service, plugins, jobs, executions and their data. Detailed list of SAD Service API calls and responses can be found below. Service ======= **Get configuration** REQUEST: .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/q/getconfiguration Type: GET RESPONSE (service configuration as JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "resultType":"sadproperties", "resultValue":{ "plugins":{ "path":"../sad-plugins" }, "coordinator":{ "path":"src/main/resources/coordinator.json", "reset_database_on_start":"n" }, "basepath":"http://localhost:8081/SAD", "ecc":{ "enabled":"n", "Rabbit_IP":"", "Rabbit_Port":"5672", "Monitor_ID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Client_Name":"Social Analytics Dashboard" }, "edm":{ "enabled":"n", "dbURL":"localhost:5432", "dbName":"agent-edm-metrics", "dbUsername":"postgres", "dbPassword":"sofia", "dbType":"postgresql" } } } **Get last plugin run** REQUEST: .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/q/getlastrun Type: GET RESPONSE (plugin run details as JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "result":"ok", "response":{ "name":"Job for plugin twitter-searcher", "id":"1", "description":"Job created by Scheduling service", "arguments":[ { "search_terms":"football" }, { "num_posts":"99" } ], "status":"finished", "created":"2013-07-25 13:14:16.142", "lastrun":"2013-07-25 13:14:20.136" } } **Get last plugin run data** REQUEST: .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/q/getlastrundata Type: GET RESPONSE (data as JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "result": "ok", "response": { "jsonData": [ { "retweeted": false, ... }, "collected": "2013-07-25 13:14:19.704" } ] } } **Get last plugin run logs** REQUEST: .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/q/getlastrunlogs Type: GET RESPONSE (logs as JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "result": "ok", "response": { "stdOut": "2013-07-25 13:14:17,347 DEBUG \t[PluginsHelper:80] Using command line arguments: ... "stdError": "" } } **Run a plugin** REQUEST: .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/q/run Type: POST ContentType: application/json; charset=utf-8 Data: RESPONSE (new job details as JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "result": "ok", "response": { "ID": 1, "PluginName": "twitter-searcher", "Name": "Job for plugin twitter-searcher", "Description": "Job created by Scheduling service", "Arguments": [ { "search_terms": "football" }, { "num_posts": "99" } ], "Inputs": [], "Outputs": [ { "type": "twitter-static-search-raw" } ], "Schedule": { "times": 1, "withIntervalInMilliseconds": 20000 }, "Status": "scheduled", "WhenCreated_as_string": "2013-07-25 13:14:16", "WhenCreated_in_msec": 1374754456142, "WhenLastrun_as_string": "", "WhenLastrun_in_msec": "", "Executions_num": 0, "status_url": "http://localhost:8081/SAD/service/jobs/1", "data_url": "http://localhost:8081/SAD/service/jobs/1/data", "visualised_data_url": "http://localhost:8081/SAD/visualise/twitter-searcher/data.html?jobid=1&num_results=20" } } Plugins ======= **List plugins** REQUEST: .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/plugins Type: GET RESPONSE (all plugins with configurations as JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "result":"ok", "response":{ "basic-sns-stats":{ "enabled":"y", "name":"basic-sns-stats", "description":"Basic Social Network posts analytics plugin. Extracts basics stats from collections of tweets or Facebook posts", "paths":{ "jar":"target/basic-sns-stats-2.6.jar", "dependenciesFolder":"target/lib" }, "arguments":[ { "name":"num_posts", "description":"Number of social network posts per social network to analyse", "isOptional":true, "defaultValue":"all", "sample_values":"all|125" } ], "inputs":[ { "source":"job_id", "defaultValue":"1", "required_data_types":[ { "twitter-static-search-raw":"JSON Twitter posts as returned by Twitter API" }, { "facebook-posts-raw":"JSON Facebook posts as returned by Facebook API" } ] }, { "source":"plugin_name", "defaultValue":"twitter-searcher", "required_data_types":[ { "twitter-static-search-raw":"JSON Twitter posts as returned by Twitter API" }, { "facebook-posts-raw":"JSON Facebook posts as returned by Facebook API" } ] } ], "outputs":{ "data":[ { "type":"twitter-basic-stats", "description":"JSON containing basic stats extracted from processed tweets" }, { "type":"twitter-static-search-raw", "description":"JSON containing tweets used in the analysis" }, { "type":"facebook-basic-stats", "description":"JSON containing basic stats extracted from processed Facebook posts" }, { "type":"facebook-posts-raw", "description":"JSON containing Facebook posts used in the analysis" } ] }, "pluginFolder":"basic-sns-stats" }, "facebook-collector":{ "enabled":"y", "name":"facebook-collector", "description":"Facebook collector EXPERIMEDIA SAD Plugin. Collects Facebook posts from groups and pages", "paths":{ "jar":"target/facebook-collector-2.6.jar", "dependenciesFolder":"target/lib" }, "arguments":[ { "name":"page_name", "description":"Facebook page name to collect posts from, multiple instances of this argument are supported", "isOptional":false, "defaultValue":"congressschladming", "sample_values":"HausAichGoessenberg|HauserKaiblingFan" }, { "name":"max_posts", "description":"Number of posts to request from each page", "isOptional":false, "defaultValue":"500", "sample_values":"100|1200" } ], "inputs":[ ], "outputs":{ "data":[ { "type":"facebook-posts-raw", "description":"JSON containing a Facebook post" } ] }, "pluginFolder":"facebook-collector" }, "twitter-searcher":{ "enabled":"y", "name":"twitter-searcher", "description":"Twitter searcher EXPERIMEDIA SAD Plugin. Performs static Twitter searches for a keyword or a hashtag", "paths":{ "jar":"target/twitter-searcher-2.6.jar", "dependenciesFolder":"target/lib" }, "arguments":[ { "name":"search_terms", "description":"Keyword or hashtag to search Twitter for", "isOptional":false, "defaultValue":"football", "sample_values":"Schladming OR Planai OR Dachstein OR Rohrmoos OR MidEurope" }, { "name":"num_posts", "description":"Number of tweets to find", "isOptional":true, "defaultValue":"99", "sample_values":"all|125" } ], "inputs":[ ], "outputs":{ "data":[ { "type":"twitter-static-search-raw", "description":"JSON containing all processed tweets" } ] }, "pluginFolder":"twitter-searcher" } } } **Get plugin configuration** REQUEST: .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/plugins/ Type: GET RESPONSE ( configuration as JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "result":"ok", "response":{ "enabled":"y", "name":"basic-sns-stats", "description":"Basic Social Network posts analytics plugin. Extracts basics stats from collections of tweets or Facebook posts", "paths":{ "jar":"target/basic-sns-stats-2.6.jar", "dependenciesFolder":"target/lib" }, "arguments":[ { "name":"num_posts", "description":"Number of social network posts per social network to analyse", "isOptional":true, "defaultValue":"all", "sample_values":"all|125" } ], "inputs":[ { "source":"job_id", "defaultValue":"1", "required_data_types":[ { "twitter-static-search-raw":"JSON Twitter posts as returned by Twitter API" }, { "facebook-posts-raw":"JSON Facebook posts as returned by Facebook API" } ] }, { "source":"plugin_name", "defaultValue":"twitter-searcher", "required_data_types":[ { "twitter-static-search-raw":"JSON Twitter posts as returned by Twitter API" }, { "facebook-posts-raw":"JSON Facebook posts as returned by Facebook API" } ] } ], "outputs":{ "data":[ { "type":"twitter-basic-stats", "description":"JSON containing basic stats extracted from processed tweets" }, { "type":"twitter-static-search-raw", "description":"JSON containing tweets used in the analysis" }, { "type":"facebook-basic-stats", "description":"JSON containing basic stats extracted from processed Facebook posts" }, { "type":"facebook-posts-raw", "description":"JSON containing Facebook posts used in the analysis" } ] }, "pluginFolder":"basic-sns-stats" } } Jobs ==== **List jobs** REQUEST: .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/jobs Type: GET RESPONSE (all jobs as JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "result":"ok", "response":{ "num":1, "list":[ { "ID":1, "PluginName":"twitter-searcher", "Name":"Job for plugin twitter-searcher", "Description":"Job created by Scheduling service", "Arguments":[ { "search_terms":"football" }, { "num_posts":"99" } ], "Inputs":[ ], "Outputs":[ { "type":"twitter-static-search-raw" } ], "Schedule":{ "times":1, "withIntervalInMilliseconds":20000 }, "Status":"finished", "WhenCreated_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:16", "WhenCreated_in_msec":1374754456142, "WhenLastrun_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:20", "WhenLastrun_in_msec":1374754460136, "Executions_num":1, "status_url":"http://localhost:8081/SAD/service/jobs/1", "data_url":"http://localhost:8081/SAD/service/jobs/1/data", "visualised_data_url":"http://localhost:8081/SAD/visualise/twitter-searcher/data.html?jobid=1&num_results=20" } ] } } **Get job details** REQUEST: .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/jobs/ Type: GET RESPONSE (details of job with as JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "result":"ok", "response":{ "job":{ "ID":1, "PluginName":"twitter-searcher", "Name":"Job for plugin twitter-searcher", "Description":"Job created by Scheduling service", "Arguments":[ { "search_terms":"football" }, { "num_posts":"99" } ], "Inputs":[ ], "Outputs":[ { "type":"twitter-static-search-raw" } ], "Schedule":{ "times":1, "withIntervalInMilliseconds":20000 }, "Status":"finished", "WhenCreated_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:16", "WhenCreated_in_msec":1374754456142, "WhenLastrun_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:20", "WhenLastrun_in_msec":1374754460136, "Executions_num":1, "status_url":"http://localhost:8081/SAD/service/jobs/1", "data_url":"http://localhost:8081/SAD/service/jobs/1/data", "visualised_data_url":"http://localhost:8081/SAD/visualise/twitter-searcher/data.html?jobid=1&num_results=20" } } } **Get job data** REQUEST: .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/jobs//data Type: GET RESPONSE (data saved by job with in the database as JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "response": { "series": { "0": { "jsonData": { "retweeted": false, ... }, "type": "twitter-static-search-raw", "WhenCreated_as_string": "2013-07-25 13:14:19", "WhenCreated_in_msec": 1374754459704 } }, "num": 99, "jobstatus": "finished" } } Executions ========== **List all executions** REQUEST: .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/executions Type: GET RESPONSE (all executions as JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "result":"ok", "response":{ "num":1, "list":[ { "DatabaseId":1, "ID":0, "SADJobID":1, "Description":"Execution by job [1]", "Status":"success", "WhenStarted_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:17.759", "WhenStarted_in_msec":1374754457759, "WhenFinished_as_string":"2013-07-25 13:14:20.125", "WhenFinished_in_msec":1374754460125 } ] } } **Get last 5 data entries for the last execution for plugin and of data type** .. code-block:: javascript URL: /service/executions/{pluginName}/{dataType} Type: GET RESPONSE (hot tweets as an example, JSON): .. code-block:: javascript { "result":"ok", "response":[ { "id":"443563887288270848", "text":"168 days until football is back...\uD83C\uDFC8\uD83D\uDE4C", "created_at":"Wed Mar 12 01:47:26 +0000 2014", "lang":"en", "buzz_score":"0.8921", "uid":"1195754833", "name":"I Live For Football", "screen_name":"LiveToPlayFB", "followers_count":"24629", "friends_count":"8363" }, { "id":"443602053600800769", "text":"Retweet if you play any\nBasketball\uD83C\uDFC0\nFootball\uD83C\uDFC8\nVolleyball\uD83D\uDE4C\nBaseball⚾\nHockey❄\nSoccer⚽\nWrestling\nSoftball\nCheer\uD83C\uDF89\nTrack\nLacrosse\nGolf", "created_at":"Wed Mar 12 04:19:05 +0000 2014", "lang":"en", "buzz_score":"0.6642", "uid":"2334082075", "name":"Doubted Athlete", "screen_name":"DoubtedAthlete", "followers_count":"1406", "friends_count":"2" }, { "id":"443585944805834752", "text":"i feel like family, close friends, football, hockey, & baseball teams should go in first, then the seniors. & leftover spots to anyone else.", "created_at":"Wed Mar 12 03:15:05 +0000 2014", "lang":"en", "buzz_score":"0.7189", "uid":"280063004", "name":"danyell oosterveld ☯", "screen_name":"danyelllynnn", "followers_count":"176", "friends_count":"106" }, { "id":"382397178033213440", "text":"Play your Man like a football and Watch another Girl catch him like a goal keeper..you will regret watching the replay..", "created_at":"Tue Sep 24 06:52:46 +0000 2013", "lang":"en", "buzz_score":"0.4181", "uid":"795042152", "name":"COMEDIAN IGODYE", "screen_name":"i_go_dye", "followers_count":"66062", "friends_count":"2" }, { "id":"443686928639356928", "text":"And the winner is.. @JonWalmach for the Cruz Bday contest. Some real classics!! Pick up your shirt in the football office. #pvbearsfootball", "created_at":"Wed Mar 12 09:56:21 +0000 2014", "lang":"en", "buzz_score":"0.3264", "uid":"2312070447", "name":"PV Football", "screen_name":"football_PV", "followers_count":"147", "friends_count":"139" } ] } Next steps ========== :doc:`Plugin development `