````````` Changelog ````````` Changes since version 2.5 ========================= * Backend framework updated to Spring Boot (http://spring.io) * Frontend framework updated to Foundation 5 (http://foundation.zurb.com) * Service can now be fully configured and reset from the UI * Pause, resume, cancel, delete controls have been added to jobs * Added basic authentication and HTTPS proxy support * Added configurable "fixed" ECC client UUIDs for all SAD clients * Log4j logging framework updated to Logback for both the service and plugins * Supports ECC API v2.1 Changes since version 2.0-beta ============================== * Takes full advantage of ECC API 2.0 * Adds new ECC metrics to both SAD Service and all Plugins * Adds new Hot tweets plugin (deployment release only) * Exposes data behind job executions * Adds Vagrant script for painless deployment * Adds stability improvements Changes since version 1.6 ========================= * Underlying database changed from PostgreSQL to Mongo * SAD plugins integrated with ECC * Database access for SAD plugins Changes since version 1.5 ========================= * Default plugins completely rewritten from scratch: * Twitter searcher plugin - fetches tweets containing keywords or hashtags. * Facebook collector plugin - collects posts from Facebook pages. * Basic stats plugin - produces basic statistics on social networks data collected by the Twitter and Facebook plugins. * Twitter and Facebook plugin using EXPERIMEDIA Social Integrator to connect to Social Networks. * All default plugins written using developer-friendly Plugin Helper class that simplifies common plugin tasks: * Retrieval of arguments, input, requested outputs. * Storage and retrieval of job metadata. * Saving data into database. * All default plugins come with HTML/CSS/JS visualisation view of output data. * SAD java packages have been renamed from eu.experimedia.itinnovation* to uk.ac.soton.itinnovation.sad*. * License for SAD core has been changed from EXPERIMEDIA project license to GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2.1. * Default plugin licenses have been change from EXPERIMEDIA project license to Apache Software License, Version 2.0. * Enhanced plugin configuration to include detailed information about input data and output data types. * Default plugin logging has been switched to log4j. * Individual plugin executions saved into log files. * Significantly improved documentation.